We provide a wide range of videography services. With the most updated equipment, we are ready to suggest the best solutions at a reasonable price and deliver an end result that satisfies you.
We Provide videography services for:
Promos and advertising videos
Interviews | Talks | Panel Discussions
Event Documentations
Cinematography in film and media productions

Let's Talk About Your project
Promos | Advertising videos
Interviews | Talks | Panel Discussions

Curator's tour for the Exhibition So long, thanks again for the fish
The project was co-created with Uzair Amjad.
Panel discussion, for the Exhibition So long, thanks again for the fish
The project was co-created with Uzair Amjad.
Director Elina Näsänen talk for Tampere Film Festival
Performances | Events | Exhibitions

Performance by Sepideh Rahaa at Vantaa Art Museum, Vantaa. 2021.
XOSPHERE 1&2, a series of sound performances at PUBLICS
Video documentation of CONJOINED FUGUES directed by Nicolina Stylianou
Collection of 13 Performances for camera
So long, thanks again for the fish, Exhibition Project at Suomenlinna, curated by Yeewan Koon and produced by HIAP.
Project was co-created with Uzair Amjad.